☰ Forms 5 and 6’s Bushcraft Residential

Forms 5 and 6’s Bushcraft Residential

Posted on: June 14th 2013

On Tuesday the 21st May the Form 5 and 6 children set off for their residential trip deep into the heart of the Oxfordshire countryside. The children would be sleeping in tents in a woodland area (for three nights and four days!) The tents were already erected in a camp environment with outdoor cooking and toilet facilities.

During the residential trip the children learnt a variety of skills including map reading, outdoor cookery, setting traps to catch animals and survival skills. There were trained instructors who took the taught the children the outdoor activities. A thoroughly fantastic time was had by the children (and staff!) The weather could have been a little warmer but this did not prevent the children and staff from making the most of the environment.

As you can see from the photographs and written pieces that an enjoyable time was had by all and the activities and events of the week proved to be a great success and will stay in the children’s minds for a long time. A fabulous Norfolk House Residential. Well done to everybody who took part in the residential trip.

By Ishmael and Molly, Form 6


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