Posted on: November 6th 2015
On Tuesday 3rd November, Form 2-6 joined in a global attempt to hold the world’s largest maths and science lesson based around the topic of DNA. The children learned a little about the structure and function of DNA, then made models of DNA strands.
Forms 2, 3 and 4 used sweets to create their strands. Strawberry pencils represented the pentose sugar and phosphate molecules whilst different coloured sweets represented the DNA base pairs.
Forms 5 and 6 used pasta and different coloured straws to make their models. It was very important that the children placed the correct colours together to represent the DNA base pairs (that is, Thymine + Adenine and Cytosine+ Guanine).
It was wonderful to see the children engaged in their learning and even more exciting to be a part of a world-wide event. We have submitted our evidence to the organisers and are hoping that Norfolk House soon become world record holders!
Mrs Cannon