☰ Harvest Festival: A report from our pupil Head of Music

Harvest Festival: A report from our pupil Head of Music

Posted on: November 9th 2018

Harvest Festival: A report from our pupil Head of Music

At the end of the last half term, pupils in Forms 1 to 6 took part in a special Harvest celebration.

Amelie B, our pupil Head of Music in Form 6, reports on the events that took place:

Harvest is a very important time in the world. We donate food to the soup kitchens and give thanks to the farmers who have helped us grow these wonderful foods.

So, on Wednesday 17th October, Years 1 to 6 went to the Dukes Avenue Baptist Church to perform our songs about Harvest to our parents. We sang songs about: giving thanks and being grateful, caring for those less fortunate than us, being principled and believing in ourselves. The Senior Choir sang “Extraordinary” by Natalie Williams and the Senior Ensemble also played a piece. It was amazing!

My highlights were:

Overall, this year's Harvest Festival was amazing and I loved every single moment of it.

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