☰ Harvest Festival and Music Update

Harvest Festival and Music Update

Posted on: November 7th 2019

Harvest Festival and Music Update

Harvest Festival

The end of the last half term saw every child from Form 1 to 6 participate in the Harvest festival celebration. Each child participated as part of their class performance, amongst performances from the Junior Choir, Senior Choir and Senior Ensemble. The children’s hard work and enthusiasm, during rehearsals and classroom work, ensured high-quality, enjoyable musical performances, which supplemented the broader musical curriculum and continued to develop the pupils’ understanding of music. The children explored themes of caring, thankfulness and generosity through some heartfelt, sensitive performances. It was excellent to see the collaboration between the Form 6 and Form 2 children, as they prepared for their performance of ‘It’s Harvest Time’ and the Senior Ensemble accompanying the Choir during ‘Cauliflower’s Fluffy’. The children worked so hard, taking a great deal of care and pride in their work as they rehearsed and took part in the celebrations.

Music Update November 2019

The academic year so far has seen some brilliant performances, continued pupil participation and enthusiasm for music and new opportunities. What a fantastic, musical start to the year the pupils have had.

Norfolk House is so fortunate to have such enthusiastic, ambitious young musicians. Thank you to all of the children for their participation and to all parents and staff for their support.

Instrumental Tuition (Recorder, Clarinet and Ukulele now offered)

This year, 40% of children from Form 1 to 6 already take instrumental tuition in school, with many more waiting to begin. As well as piano, singing, acoustic and electric guitar, bass guitar and violin, the Music Department is pleased to now offer recorder, clarinet and ukulele tuition. If your child is keen to learn an instrument, or to take up singing lessons, please email Miss C Marshall cmarshall@norfolkhouseschool.org. Children are invited to begin peripatetic tuition from Form 1, but if you have a Reception child who would like to be added to the waiting list for next year, please do let the Music Department know.

Extra-Curricular Clubs and Ensembles

The Music Department is always looking to expand the provision of music in school and provide further opportunities for pupils to engage with music. Alongside the Junior Prep choir, Senior Prep choir and Senior Ensemble, some of the Senior Prep children have been enjoying Ukulele Club after school this term. They have learnt how to play chords, use notation, tune their instrument by ear, perform some popular songs and have composed their own pieces (including a song for Harvest time). 

As well as teacher-led activities, some pupils have been setting up their own bands. They have shown great ambition, resilience and independence through organising their own rehearsal sessions in the music classroom during their break times. 

Rehearsing and performing music with others is an excellent way to develop musicianship and performance skills, as well as improving confidence, supporting positive well-being and encouraging positive relationships with others. All pupils are welcome and encouraged to participate in a musical activity in school. If any pupils are interested in joining an existing activity or establishing their own band or ensemble, they are encouraged to speak to Miss Marshall, who will be more than happy to guide them.

Thank you to parents for their ongoing support. It is so rewarding to see our students develop and flourish in Music and it would not be possible without the support our children receive from home. We are already enjoying another musical half term, as we work towards our end of term Christmas performances. We look forward to spending time together as a community at our annual Carols by Churchlight event on Wednesday 11th December at 18:00, at Muswell Hill Baptist Church.

Click here to see some photos of music so far this half term.

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