Posted on: October 21st 2011
On Monday 10th October, Norfolk House School celebrated the Harvest with a service at St Andrew's Church. As part of the service, the Norfolk House School Choir performed two excellent pieces: "Colours of Day" and "Child of the Universe". This was the first concert performance for the Form 3 pupils who joined the choir this year. All of the pupils were very excited about singing to their parents and they all performed extremely well.
You can read a report about the Harvest Festival from Form 2H pupil, Olivia Forrest, below.
Harvest is a time when we celebrate all the food that has been grown throughout the year. We also think about the people who are poor and do not have as much as we do.In the service Form 2 showed letters spelling HARVEST and made different words from this such as HAVE EAT STARVE SHARE. They also sang a lovely song called Harvest Rock and Roll. Pre-Prep and Form 3 acted out poems and Forms 4 5 and 6 showed artwork. We all bought in food to give to the soup kitchen to help the poor and took this up to the front. Father Pybus talked to us all about the harvest and the school choir sang beautiful songs. We ended with All things Bright and Beautiful.The harvest Festival was a great celebration.Olivia ForrestForm 2H