☰ International Evening

International Evening

Posted on: March 14th 2014

On Wednesday 12th March, we hosted an International Evening to celebrate our rich cultural diversity at Norfolk House.

The evening was a great success and many thanks to all those who donated the wonderful array of international foods for the evening. It was lovely to see so many children dress in their national costumes. Furthermore, the wonderful flags created by the children as part of our art project led by Sarah Sabur, meant that the school was resplendent in colour.

We were entertained by Scottish, Icelandic and Indian bands as well as sterling performances from Maria R, Charlotte, Georgina and Oliver C and one of our alumni, Sorcha W.

A special mention must go to Mrs. Chan who worked relentlessly translating each child’s name into Chinese calligraphy. A delightful keepsake from the evening! In addition, a huge thank you to the FONH for running the bar, the proceeds of which will be donated to Educaid.

The event represented a huge team effort from staff and parents which truly encapsulates our ethos.

For parents who weren’t able to make it to this fantastic evening, a regular stream of photos, videos and news was tweeted live from the event. Check out our Twitter feed here and follow us @NorfolkHouseSch to receive regular updates about life at the school.

You can see a selection of videos from the evening here.

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