☰ Internet Safety

Internet Safety

Posted on: May 18th 2012

There have been some pretty shocking statistics in the media recently about the percentage of 10 year olds who have accessed inappropriate adult content online. Unfortunately, in this day and age the risk is real even through seemingly innocuous searches. We run a thorough e-safety programme about keeping safe online and have a safe Internet use policy in school, which we hope will help to inform and educate our pupils from quite a young age.

At home it is evident that parents generally do monitor their children online, but as they get a bit older, there are some less obvious and probably less checked routes to internet sites through hand-held devices such as mobile phones/ipads/ipod Touch and even games consoles! It's a minefield for parents and adds an extra dimension to making sure our children stay safe, even when they're only upstairs in their rooms. Ensuring that these devices have the same safe filters and security settings as home computers and laptops is paramount.

Lots of agencies and charities offer support for parents- CEOP is one group that offer sensible and accessible information about e-safety. Visit the Thinkuknow website here for advice and safety tips online.

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