Posted on: March 11th 2021
Over the weekend of the 6th and 7th of March, we challenged three other Bellevue schools to a distance challenge. The challenge was simple - which school’s students could log the most distance over the weekend? They could cover this distance by foot - either walking or running or by bicycle. To make the result fair we divided the schools total distance by the number of students on roll.
The aim of the challenge was to get our children active and outside having some fun. It proved really motivating and we had over 350 students from Norfolk House School, Forest Park Prep School (Cheshire) and Oratory Prep School (Oxfordshire).
Oratory Prep school did a fantastic job and managed an impressive 9km per student in the school! We were close behind with just over 5 km per student.
I hope the challenges over the past few weeks have been fun and have kept us active. The photos attached are just some of the snapshots of our students out and about on these challenges.