☰ Introducing Mr Alderton: Our New Form 3 Teacher

Introducing Mr Alderton: Our New Form 3 Teacher

Posted on: January 17th 2014

It was with great pleasure that I joined the Norfolk House team at the beginning of January this year, to take over from Mrs. Cannon whilst she goes on maternity leave. I’ve already been working with the pupils in Form 3 and all the staff to get to know the school and its routines! I have come from teaching in Australia and have also spent some years teaching in the Middle East as well as London. I have a passion for creating exciting learning and am completing my Masters in Creative Education.

Although I will be spending the majority of my time in Form 3, I will also work with Form 6 in Science and, greatly to my liking, the football team.

I am looking forward to getting to know all the children in the school and hopefully I will get to meet the majority of the rest of our wonderful school community throughout this year! I look forward to seeing you all at school events.

Mr. Alderton

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