☰ Solving Word Problems in Form 1

Solving Word Problems in Form 1

Posted on: January 24th 2020

Solving Word Problems in Form 1

In Form 1, the children have been learning to solve addition and subtraction word problems. To help the children with this challenge, they have been learning to use the RUCSAC strategy:

R - Reading

U - Underline (the important information)

C - Calculation (find out if it is an addition or subtraction)

S - Solve (write your number sentence)

A  - Answer  (answer the question)

C - Check (use the 100 square, inverse operation or mental maths strategies to check your answer)

To achieve their learning objectives, the children have been working in pairs and displaying the core value of being open-minded and approaching the challenges with a Growth Mindset. When the children were working together, they respected the different ways everyone chose to check their work and learned new strategies from each other. The children really enjoyed solving real life problems and all did fantastically.

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