Posted on: November 22nd 2019
The Nursery children have been immersing themselves in the theme of dark and light this half term. We have challenged the children with learning some tricky scientific words.
The children have been exploring sources of light and shadow with puppets. In STEAM, we challenged the children to create a puppet with three different types of shadow - translucent, opaque and transparent. The children explored how light travelled through different materials and used these in making our puppets. The children in Nursery loved exploring the dark den with their torches and seeing what happened when they shone the torch on a shiny material. They learned the word reflective. The children then turned their dark den into a projection den and explored what happened when they used coloured acetate and solid objects to shine light on. Light passed through the acetate but not through the solid objects.
The theme of light and dark continued as the children experimented with black and white collages and shiny collages. Some children challenged themselves to make collages which were 3D and stood out of the page! Very ambitious! The children have also enjoyed looking at pictures of the moon and space. They shared lots of stories about aliens, astronauts, space, the moon and the darkness around us and created a moon box to look at.