☰ Mr Charman's Sports Round Up

Mr Charman's Sports Round Up

Posted on: March 8th 2019

Mr Charman’s Sports Round Up

The last two weeks have possibly been the busiest sporting period of the year, with pupils taking part in numerous Cross Country meets, Football and Netball fixtures for both the Under 9s and 11s and a weekend Football tournament for the under 9s.

In Cross Country, pupils competed in the Keble Prep and Lyndhurst events. Both of these events were really big meets with over 80 runners in each of the races. As a team, our under 9s came 4th in both meets (nine teams in the Keble and ten at Lyndhurst) and the Under 11s came 5th and 4th respectively.

All our runners gave their all in the events and a huge amount of credit needs to go to our Cross Country coaching team of Katie Embleton, Marcus Craven and Paul Jowett for the preparation that they have done every Friday morning over the past two terms. Our highlights so far where Antonis P (Under 9) and Leonard S (Under 11) both coming second in the Lyndhurst event.

For Football and Netball, all year groups have had an opportunity to play for the school over the past two weeks and I can clearly see our school’s Core Values being reflected in their performances. Our pupils have shown great resilience and ambition against some of the tougher opponents, demonstrated their reflective and thinking skills by trying to outwit their opponents and are continuing to improve their communication skills.

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- Mr Charman

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