☰ A neuroscientist visits Form 6

A neuroscientist visits Form 6

Posted on: May 26th 2017

A few weeks ago, Form 6 were lucky enough to have Paola, who’s a neuroscientist, come in to teach us a lesson in our health unit in science. In the first hour, Paola showed us a presentation on the brain. We talked about the nervous system, our memory and different parts of our brain such as the motor cortex, visual cortex and cerebellum. We also talked about how the brain has evolved through time and compared the size of our brain to other animals.

In the second session Paola showed us how to make a model neuron. We worked in pairs using inflatable rubber gloves, pipe cleaners and wire. We went outside and linked our neurons together to make a connection. Next, we went back into the classroom where we asked questions about our brain.

It was fascinating to hear Paola talk and the activities were so much fun. It was brilliant to have a neuroscientist in our school!

By Jess Yam, Form 6

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