Posted on: May 27th 2022
Music, and the opportunities that come hand in hand with its practice, is opening up again, creeping back into the celebrations and moments that define us and make memories with a happy, celebratory blast!
The Senior Choir put on a hearty performance which was recorded one early Tuesday morning in a sunny playground, singing in harmony songs from The Sound of Music and Matilda. Their efforts gained them third place in the 11 years and under Choirs competition, and we learnt a lot from watching the videos of the other choirs involved, the collective comments cementing both the choir’s bond as a group and their determination to reach new heights with their next performance. It was no coincidence that their performance began with the words “let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start”. The choir is back on its feet, sculpting a new identity and we are so proud to share every step of this exciting journey with them.
Ms. Regan's peri singing students took part in the North London Festival for the first time since 2018- we were a little tentative but hugely grateful for the experience and delighted in retrospect to have been part of it.
Seven Norfolk House students and alumni took part in the 15 years and under Songs From Musical Theatre Class, with Mia B, in just year 5, holding her own and gaining joint third place with a seasoned performer from St Paul’s Girls School. Alumni Eleanor G and Sophie A gained second and first place respectively, and more importantly we were so delighted to get together and share our performances, the singers sitting together at the front in an excited band of anticipation waiting for their turn.
With the theme of new beginnings very much prevalent we welcome Mr Ceballos to the Music Department. Mr Roberto is creating opportunities for our younger students that have not existed in the seven plus years I have been at the school - a Pre-Prep choir and a Junior Ensemble plus the flair and excitement of salsa music from his homeland Colombia as he plans new and exciting projects for all the children he is teaching in reception to year 3.
As we prepare for live performances at Dukes Avenue after half term, we will be using the church weekly for rehearsals, offering our young musicians the opportunity to make music in an expansive, dynamic acoustic that will redefine their performances and give them the confidence to hold their own in such an impressive venue.
We can’t wait to welcome you to be our audience and to join with us in celebrating the excitement and potential of these new beginnings, that will shape and define our students not just as musicians but as confident all-round performers for years to come.
Sara Regan
Head of Music