☰ My Experience at Norfolk House

My Experience at Norfolk House

Posted on: September 17th 2014

I joined Norfolk House in 2005, as a four-year-old in Reception and left in 2012 to join my present school, Belmont. I have now been there for nearly two years. I cannot easily recall many memories from when I was younger but I always have a feeling of pride and happiness towards my memories. When I left Norfolk House I was devastated - it was my second home, it was where I had grown up and many hours of my life were spent happily. It was very hard to detach myself but I was soon filled with high hopes for my future. Settling into my senior school Belmont was easy. Norfolk House had taught so many key skills in life. They had taught me everything and I am eternally grateful for that as it will contribute to my life permanently, because it had been attached to me at such an early age. Not only academic skills but manners, table skills, confidence and friendships to name but a few.

My present school, Belmont, is very different to Norfolk House. In my year alone there are 81 pupils and the year above there are more than double that (in Year 6 there were 14 pupils - quite a drastic contrast), far more staff and more names to remember (which doesn't help), they had excessive and extended grounds and more classrooms (which, yet again, doesn't help - I was 35 minutes late for my swimming lesson on my first week!!). But now that I have become accustomed to it, it's perfect for me. Norfolk House is very different, but in many ways it was better. The classes were smaller so friendships became and grew so much more as well as becoming closer to the teachers, there was always a more concentrated care for pupils and assistance was always available and their curriculum made well-rounded pupils with a broad and extended knowledge which will always help them.

My favourite subject presently are English and Science. English because one can be free and expressive once you touch pen on paper and when you read you are transported and can travel the world without moving your feet, as well as sharing emotions with characters. And I love Science because Chemistry and Physics fascinate me and stimulates my curiosity, but my real love and passion is Biology, exciting me and fascinates me with everything. I take Piano and singing lessons as well as swimming and Eton Fives. Some of my fondest memories of Norfolk are our field trips-especially to France and Bushcraft, Miss Mary Poppins is a wonderful memory to name but a few. I would just like to say thank you to everyone there for such a great time and making this part of my life so memorable and special, and especially to Mrs. Habgood, for always being there since Year 2.

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