Posted on: February 13th 2015
Hi, I am George former pupil of the school. I was at NHS from 2004 all the way through to year 6 when I left in 2011. Currently I am in year 10 at Highgate School, which I like very much.
Of course this was a big step up to make from primary school for me, there were far more people, more competition. This is hard to anticipate coming from a smaller school; however, after a while I found it just as easy to settle in as I did anywhere else. I enjoy life at Highgate but do sometimes miss knowing everyone in my year as well as I did (it being so small) back in NHS.
The subject which I enjoyed most from about Year 4 was English, I feel it was what I most developed during my time in primary school and I have carried this through right up to now. As well as this I have made use of my proud Year 6 football captain role and now am the Highgate senior school top goal scorer and I also run for Haringay 400m.
On another note one thing I have learnt from NHS is to get on with everybody as much as possible; 13 people in my year really left me no choice. This however, I realise is an important skill to carry forward in life. I left the school with many good (and bad(!)) memories - the ones that stuck with me the most are the sporting victories, whether it be chess or football.
I look forward to my youngest brother starting soon and enjoying all the experiences I did - even French lessons!