☰ News from Katie Jordan

News from Katie Jordan

Posted on: November 14th 2014

My name is Katie Jordan, and I joined Norfolk House in 2007 and left 7 years later in 2014.
Norfolk house helped me get into the school where I am now: Henrietta Barnett’s School for Girls. The exams to get in were very hard and sometimes quite stressful, but in the end it was worth it. Maths and English are now much easier because of the help I got at Norfolk House. I sometimes go back to Norfolk House when my school is closed for an open day and I enjoy seeing all my younger friends again.
My new school presented me with lots of new challenges such as navigating the four buildings, remembering names and remembering what lessons were when and where. I soon learnt my way around the school and remembered people’s names so I quickly settled in, but I still find it annoying that I have to leave earlier to get to school!  I still see some of my old classmates on the buses whilst they pass our bus stop: one of my friends announced that she was getting a dog just before the bus doors closed!
My best memories of Norfolk House were playing with Jordan no. 2 (it’s a nickname - long story short, we were best friends ), PGL, Bushcraft, and the fact that for most school trips from year 4 onwards I brought sushi for packed lunch!

And for any future year 6 girls: Henrietta Barnett is an awesome school!

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