Posted on: January 30th 2014
Nina Rimsky attended Norfolk House School from 2004 - 2011. She currently attends City of London School for Girls in Year 9.If I could summarise secondary education in a nutshell, it would be a time when you acquire much more freedom alongside many more responsibilities. The lively and challenging City of London School for Girls now seems very normal to me. I come in every school day, the building is familiar, the faces instantly recognisable. But it wasn't always this way. At the beginning, every day was full of surprises. You didn't need to go out into the playground at break times – you could stay indoors and use the computers or library. There were clubs on offer every lunchtime, before school and after school. People had such a broad variety of talents – accomplished pianists, artists, ballerinas! However, my favourite subjects became Chinese and Physics. I enjoy writing the intricate Mandarin characters and learning about the fascinating Chinese culture. I am also intrigued by the laws of our universe and the science of logic.
I remember my time at Norfolk House very fondly. I went through all the years - Reception to Year 6. Although I didn't have as much freedom, it was definitely more relaxed and less stressful. Norfolk House provided me with many skills which are proving essential for my education now, and in the future. I think that Norfolk House has given me an edge in terms of English language and literature – we studied many texts and learnt devices which I am only returning to now in Years 8 and 9. I was the only one who could say 'we studied this in primary school' when we read Animal Farm!