☰ Norfolk House Take Part in 'Take One Picture' Exhibition

Norfolk House Take Part in 'Take One Picture' Exhibition

Posted on: July 1st 2013

Pupils from Norfolk House created work based around the painting "Still Life with Drinking Horn" by Willam Kalf as part of the National Gallery's Take One Picture exhibition.

'Take One Picture' is the National Gallery's countrywide scheme for primary schools. Each year the Gallery focuses on one painting from the collection to inspire cross-curricular work in primary classrooms.

Norfolk House's featured work focused on the carpet in Willam Kalf's painting, which provided opportunities to investigate symmetry and tessellations in their maths lessons.

The former Year 6's images will be on display as part of a slideshow of work from the exhibition, which can be viewed here.

 You can see more of their work in the slideshow below:

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