☰ PGL Updates 2013

PGL Updates 2013

Posted on: June 27th 2013

PGL Update: Friday 17th May, 2:15pm The coach has now left PGL on time and the group are expected back at school by 4pm.

PGL Update: Friday 17th May, 10:00am

After a fun packed day, the children (and staff) were exhausted and had a very good night's sleep! This morning, the children are enjoying quad biking and trapeze before heading home. All the children have had a great trip and have lots of stories to tell about the activities when they get back to school!

PGL Update: Thursday 16th May 7:30pm

What a treat, visiting the children today at PGL - and such good weather! I was impressed with how well they were all getting on and working together on their activities! It is always lovely to see how much the children blossom when they go away on school trips and from the photos below, it's pretty clear that they are all enjoying the outdoor fun! (Ms Habgood) 

PGL Update: Thursday 16 May, 4:15pm

This morning the children enjoyed getting wet and muddy in the challenge assault course, as well as working together to navigate a course of low ropes. After lunch, we all (including Miss Ficken and Mrs Ellison) went on the braved the heights of the giant swing before taking our best aims in archery. We were also happy to see Ms Habgood who dropped in to see how we were getting on. We're now looking forward to the disco tonight!

PGL Update: Thursday 16th May, 9:50am

After initial excitement, all the children had a good night's sleep and were up bright an early to some welcome sunshine! Today we'll be visited by Ms Habgood. More news later on...

PGL Update: Wednesday 15th May, 4.40pm

Form 4 have arrived at PGL and got stuck straight into their activities. With a head for heights, the children began their trip with abseiling and climbing. The children worked brilliantly to support and encourage each other to overcome challenges and any fears they faced. They were also very excited to see their rooms and so far we are very impressed with their tidiness - a bit of healthy competition worked a treat! After an initial light shower, we have enjoyed some glorious sunshine! We will be in touch tomorrow with more news...

PGL Update: 

Wednesday 15th May , 11.30am The children have arrived at PGL on time, all happy and excited!

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