Posted on: October 21st 2011
Over the course of this half term, Pre-Prep have been learning about toys, both past and present. The children have enjoyed playing with a selection of toys from the past, and to celebrate modern toys the school recently held a Toy Day where all the children came to school dressed as a toy. As part of Toy Day, the children enjoyed a Teddy Bear’s picnic provided by our very own Pre-Prep Teddy Bear, Barnaby.
On Monday 17th October, Pre-Prep visited the Museum of Childhood to consolidate their learning on toys. The children recognised many of the toys, both old and new. After lunch they attended a puppet workshop where they learnt about different types of puppets and enjoyed a shadow puppet show. All the children made a shadow puppet to take away with them.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the children on their wonderful behaviour. It is always a pleasure when members of the public comment on the children’s excellent conduct.