☰ Prefect Blog: Our Core Values

Prefect Blog: Our Core Values

Posted on: January 19th 2018

Prefect Blog: Our Core Values

Amelie R and Tabitha B tell us about Norfolk House School's Core Values and how pupils have been demonstrating these values in all areas of school life.

In the playground
The children at Norfolk House demonstrate many Core Values in the playground. Firstly: caring. Many children perform caring actions like when someone hurts themselves, another child rushes over, even if they weren't involved. Lots of people perform kind things, like offering to join somebody who is lonely. Other playground Core Values include resilience with sports, for example basketball. Many children are constantly persevering to master their favourite sports. We are principled and know right from wrong, always being honest, and knowing how important it is to get along with our peers.

In class
We show all our Core Values in class. Senior Prep are just beginning to work towards the production, which this year is Mary Poppins. We are using great ambition, fabulous resilience and excellence in thinking. We are all taking part whether we are under a spotlight the whole time or part of the behind the scenes team. It already looks like it's going to be a show-stopper!

We also show resilience in our work by not just thinking, "Oh I can't do any more". Instead, we have a growth mindset about our work and stay resilient. We are reflective when deciding what we need to improve on in our learning and open-minded when teachers or our peers try to help us by making suggestions for improvement. Year 6 have also shown great ambition in completing their 11+ exams and interviews.

In conclusion  
To conclude, all the children have worked extremely hard so far this academic year and are really enjoying representing the Core Values. We look forward to using the Core Values in our future learning.

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