Posted on: July 7th 2014
Form 2 enjoyed learning about animals and their habitats during their recent trip to the Ecology Centre. Read Joseph, Max and Georgina’s report from the day: On Thursday 26th June we went to the Ecology Centre in Holland Park. After the long journey in lots of traffic we arrived at a beautiful park and play area where we had our picnic. Then we went into the Ecology Centre, where we met Matthew, which was very interesting. Matthew explained that ecology is the study of animals in their habitats. He showed us some amazing stuffed animals and insects including a fox, mammals, birds and invertebrates, which was incredible.
We then set off to two different habitats. 2H to a Pond and 2M to a woodland. The pond dipping was great fun although we had to be careful not to fall in! We scooped out some diving beetles, water boatman, leeches, mayflies, pond skaters, mosquito lava, sea snail and dragon fly nymphs and were able to identify them by looking at them carefully through a magnifying glass and referring to a guide.
At the woodland habitat, we used magnifying glasses again to look for different creatures. We popped them into a special container so that we could look carefully at them. We found a very fat worm, a baby slug, a centipede, a woodlouse, a millipede and lots of ants and spiders. We discovered that the best place to look was in damp and dark places.
We really enjoyed our visit to the Ecology Centre. The highlight was seeing a peacock on the roof!