Posted on: October 12th 2012
Last year, the Student Council organised a Buddying Scheme where the children in Forms 5 and 6 were paired with one of our new Reception children. The scheme was an overwhelming success and both our Big Buddies and Little Buddies enjoyed and benefited from it immensely.
This year, we decided to continue with the scheme as it had been so popular and well received.
Last week, the older children who had signed up for the scheme came to Reception to learn from Ms. Burke, Miss Joyce and Miss Wentworth how they could help and support their little buddies with their reading and writing. The children responded with enthusiasm, eager to help their Little Buddies learn and play!
Following the first play session of our Buddying Scheme, two Form 6 children wrote:Considering today was the first day, the Reception children were very eager to meet and play with their new buddies. Soon everybody was absorbed in their activities. They were drawing, jumping and playing and the time flew by. Everyone got on well with each other and had a blast.
Hugs and smiles were exchanged following our 30 minute play session. Everyone is eager to see their buddies again, so it looks like we’re on to another successful year of Buddying!