☰ Pupils generate profit in Enterprise Club

Pupils generate profit in Enterprise Club

Posted on: October 21st 2011

Following the success of the Enterprise Club biscuit sale, we are delighted to report that the club made a profit of £41.00! Since its original business loan of £10:00 from Mr Malley, the club has managed to make £84.00 and has funded all its own resources for each project it has undertaken. It has been a very worthwhile project and the children have enjoyed (quite literally) watching their money grow. Next half term, the club will be planning, designing, costing and making Christmas themed products to sell at their very own Christmas market. At the end of the term, they will then decide what to do with their hard earned cash!

For more information about the Get Set Network, please visit: http://getset.london2012.com/en/home 

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