☰ Reception Go on a Maths Walk

Reception Go on a Maths Walk

Posted on: October 3rd 2013

On 23rd September, the Reception children took part in an exciting ‘number walk’.

Armed with cameras, they took to our local streets to hunt for numbers. They found all sorts of numbers in a huge variety of places and were keen to discuss what the numbers are used for, what they tell us and how they help us in our everyday lives.

The children were very knowledgeable about speed limits, sandwich pricing and parking machines. Some children were very excited by the ‘ruler numbers’ on the dry cleaner’s sewing table. Others avidly photographed car models and number plates and could explain that the numbers tell us which car to get into and even when it was made. Some children thought that door numbers might be really useful if you are old and forget what colour door your house has.

The children were impressively mature about sharing cameras with their friends. They took lots of great shots to document their exploration.

Can you recognise where they found the numbers pictured here?

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