☰ Reception Mentor Scheme: New Buddies for the Year

Reception Mentor Scheme: New Buddies for the Year

Posted on: October 18th 2013

On Tuesday 8th October, the Reception children all met their new Buddy for the year. Children in Forms 5 and 6 have volunteered to ‘buddy’ a Reception child for the duration of their first year at Norfolk House. The Buddy scheme fosters some really strong friendships between the children at either end of the school and provides great opportunities for the children to learn from one another in regular play based sessions.

The popular scheme began last week, after the older children’s initial training session, when the Buddies all met for the first time. I’m not sure that they needed the training that was provided - the openness, kindness and patience that the big Buddies demonstrated towards their new friends was commendable and touching.

Amongst much excitement and a deal of hilarity, the new friends made ‘Buddy Books’ together, which the Reception children were immensely proud to take home. Some of the older children, Sonny, Finley, Aran and Kaya documented the event photographically and interviewed buddies. They were impressed by Sophie and Jasmine’s redesigning of the school uniform in Sophie’s Buddy Book and amused by Sasha’s delight when her buddy, Maria S, called her ‘clever cloggs’! They commented how well Jones and his big buddy, Matthew, were getting along; how much fun Milo was having with Huey, drawing crazy characters with far too many legs; how confident Maxine was with her Buddy, Charlotte, and how gentle and thoughtful Salman was with his little Buddy, Aran.

Well done to the Form 5 and 6 children for taking on your buddying roles so impressively.

Mrs. Crawford

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