☰ Reception to KS1 Enjoy Perform Drama Workshop

Reception to KS1 Enjoy Perform Drama Workshop

Posted on: May 23rd 2014

Reception class and the children in Key Stage 1 enjoyed a fabulous session with the Perform Drama Group earlier this week.

The instructor introduced a story called The Pearl Of The Ocean and the children created their own movements in response to the narration.

Initially, the children were asked to imagine they were swimming under the sea, then they talked about what creatures they might encounter. Their adventure began!

The teachers saw some amazing imaginative skills, as the children pretended to be sharks, crabs and sea monsters. Luckily, they managed to avoid being eaten and successfully recovered the pearl.

As a reward for finding it, each child was granted a magical wish which they had to offer silently. I wonder how many of these will come true...

Watch a video from the Perform Drama workshop, below:

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