☰ Rounders Picnic

Rounders Picnic

Posted on: June 30th 2016

On Wednesday 22nd July 2016, Norfolk house hosted the annual Rounders picnic at Durnsford Park for children in Forms 3 to 6.  It was an enjoyable event, especially because parents can come along and take part in the event. During the event you get to have a picnic with your parents if they are there, as well as a game of cricket and rounders. I particularly enjoy the cricket as it is one of my favorite sports.

As we got there we all had our picnics underneath an overcast sky, which we were all very happy about. Afterwards we were split into 8 teams (the best was Team 3- not being biased at all!) and split up to play a game of rounders. It was really exciting having the parents involved in the game and cheer us on. Afterwards we went to play cricket. It was really annoying when I was caught out, but never mind- it’s all about taking part!

It was a lovely day and we are all very grateful to have been able to take part in such a fun event thanks to the extraordinary staff at Norfolk House especially to Miss Howson who set the marvelous day up for us! #welovesport

By Jessica Yam-Y5

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