☰ Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day

Posted on: February 13th 2015

Tuesday 10th February was Safer Internet Day and Norfolk House pupils celebrated the theme ‘Let’s Make the Internet a Better Place’ by doing lots of interesting work around e-safety in their classes. Find out what they’ve been up to and watch out for a tweet with the link to their videos and images when it’s uploaded!

Form 6

¨ Tell an ADULT that you trust!
¨ Wherever you are, whoever you are, don’t be mean to other kids on the internet!
¨ If you have nothing nice to say keep it quiet.
¨ Never trust anyone on the internet unless you are on email.
¨ Always stick to researching or looking at things you feel comfortable with
¨ Never share your personal details with people you don’t know
¨ Never trust a stranger on the net
¨ Don’t arrange to meet anyone on the net
¨ Be cyber smart!
¨ Check emails before opening them.
¨ If someone is being rude to you on the net, block them.
¨ Tell the cyber police if anyone is bullying you on the internet
¨ Don’t trust anyone that you meet on the internet even if they say they are your age.
¨ Don’t exchange details online it can be dangerous.
Form 6 have made the statements above as part of Safer Internet Day.  The class believe that if you follow the guidelines above then it will result in the safe use of the internet.

Form 5

Form 5 decided to collate their knowledge on the topic of e-safety from all of our class discussions so far this year and they put together an A-Z of internet safety tips. The children tried to make the tips positive and easy to follow and they also had a bit of fun when it came to the tricky letters at the end of the alphabet! Using the iMovie app on the iPads, our in class team of technicians edited the film footage shot by our resident camera experts resulting in a fabulous video! 

Form 4
4W have been working on e-safety during their I.T. lessons. They’ve used BUDD:E, which is a program that helps children to create an avatar which helps them to make a safe password and username. BUDD:E also teaches students about the importance of security updates, firewalls, filtering and virus scanning. 
4W made presentations on all their e-safety learning from the term which they will share this week.

On Safer Internet Day, Form 4C thought about different dilemmas they might face when using the internet.  Using solutions such as ‘Report it’, ‘Family Discussion’ and ‘Block it’ we discovered that there was often more than one way to deal with a situation.  However, for most of the problems, telling someone (a family member, teacher or trusted adult) was a key part of staying safe and resolving tricky situations online.
We also made our own pledges for how we will personally stay safe whilst using the internet. Safer Internet Day in Form 3C

In 3C, we discussed the many fun, amazing,

and useful things we can do on the Internet, but noted how these websites and applications can be dangerous if we're not SAFE. We discussed what each letter stands for and students worked in small groups to create a poster to represent each letter. Together we created a recipe for a safer internet. We filmed our presentation. 
In 3H we played a game called choice wheel. We read out digital dilemmas and invited pupils to move an arrow on a choice wheel to find a solution that could help resolve a potential internet problem.
We then held a class Safer Internet Mastermind Quiz where children were divided into teams and received points if they were able to answer a question (based on safe internet use from our quiz master. 

During Safer Internet Day, F2 focused on the importance of safer internet usage by using drama to explore different scenarios.

The children were given a number of dilemmas to solve and they worked in groups to find solutions. For example, one group worked out the best response to a situation where some upsetting images appear while working on a computer. They decided to try to delete the images and then tell a responsible adult immediately.

Pre-Prep Learn about Using the Internet Safely
On Tuesday Pre-Prep spent some time discussing ways to stay safe on the internet. The day started with a thought provoking assembly by Ms Habgood discussing where and when we use the internet and the importance of staying safe. We then had further discussions about this topic, thinking about how we speak to one another on the internet and most importantly, keeping our personal information safe and private.
The children gave careful consideration to ways we can stay safe and created Internet Safety paper chains to be displayed. In order to put the pupils’ understanding to the test we gave them some scenarios and asked them to think about the solutions, finding the correct response on their safety wheel. The children did incredibly well and all felt that telling an adult about any issues they have on the internet was paramount. Well done Pre-Prep, Stay Safe!!
Reception have been talking about the rules of e-safety when using iPads and sent home a resource pack for parents so that they could keep informed of Safer Internet Day.

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