☰ Senior Prep Music Competition

Senior Prep Music Competition

Posted on: June 8th 2018

Senior Prep Music Competition

We all gathered on a sunny May afternoon at St Andrew's church for the Senior Prep House Music Competition. This is an event we all look forward to every year to earn points for our Houses so it was not surprising that over 50 children signed up to compete.

The first section was “Classical” music and we were lucky to have an external adjudicator Kit Massey who is a famous pianist and violinist. We were treated to a range of wonderful music on the piano, violin, French horn, trumpet, flute, cello, harp and voice by 20 children. As a pianist, I felt so privileged to play on such a beautiful grand piano with the wonderful sound encompassing the church hall. The adjudicator congratulated all the children before announcing the top three (Sasha G (Wellington), Georgina C (Clive) and Amelie B (Clive)). Kit Massey started off by telling us how he was very nervous when he was a child and how performing in public gave him confidence and experience. He ended by giving invaluable feedback on each of our pieces and tips to improve our future performances.

Next up were the contemporary and group performances. We were so fortunate to have Dave Etherington, the adjudicator, listen and judge our performances. He also gave us very constructive feedback which will help us be even better next time round. The songs were very original as some of the groups performed music they had composed together and included all of each other’s ideas. Once again, Dave announced how well all of the acts did before announcing the top three, who were Sophie A (Wellington), Akash D, Will A, Aran F (Nelson) and Jones (Nelson). We will never forget this glorious day and how enjoyable this has all been for us.

By Georgina C

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