Posted on: March 13th 2017
Hints of spring heralded our music competition this year with the welcome sun pouring through the stained glass of St Andrew's Church and a definite feel of promise in the air. Our brave singers performing from the pulpit were bathed in light and looked angelic.
We were treated to an afternoon of endeavour, colour, storytelling and collaboration and were all so proud of the children for the wonderful music with which they entertained and enthralled us.
No way would I have wanted the job of choosing winners and that unenviable role fell to Paul Harris. If your child plays a musical instrument it is more than likely that they will at some point play one of Paul's witty, interesting pieces or use one of his many tutor books, and we were all delighted to welcome him to Norfolk House and enjoy his expertise for the afternoon.
Asking year 5H in their class the next day to put hands up if they would perform again next year, every single hand shot in the air and some students have already chosen their pieces!
As I said at the start of the competition, music at Norfolk House isn't just for the children who learn an instrument, it is for every child, and what better vision to conclude a wonderful afternoon than a classful of children full of ideas for next year, wanting to do it all over again!