Posted on: March 24th 2021
Thanks to having a world class songwriter among our parents, we have been the beneficiaries of some incredible advice on how to pen a masterpiece over the years and the whole of Senior Prep have been busy putting Karen Poole’s wisdom to good use in creating some outstanding songs.
We’ve only had three weeks to write, perform and polish our work, and while the emphasis for this project was to give the students the opportunity to collaborate with one another that they have missed so much due to the lockdowns, and to give them an outlet to express themselves at such a challenging time, some of the work is so good that the school will be entering selected songs for the National Songwriting Competition.
While the pastoral care and wellbeing of the students is our top priority, one of the incredibly special things about working at Norfolk House is that the students always go the extra mile, rising to challenges with such energy and good humour that the results often stop me in my tracks; it’s easy to forget how young our students are. A lot of these compositions would not be out of place in a GCSE portfolio and I hope we will be able to share many of them in the videoed Senior Prep Concert that is due to take place, weather permitting, in the playground on 4th May.