Posted on: July 1st 2016
Read all about the children’s performance of A Bucketful of Dreams and watch the final video blog from the Head Boy and Girl before they leave Norfolk House!
A Bucketful of Dreams, Senior Prep’s take on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was another roaring success in our dramatic interpretations of well known children’s classic stories. The children brought the story to life with impressive costumes, well rehearsed and delivered lines, comedy timing and immense talent for singing and performing, with larger than life characters on the stage amidst brightly coloured Oompa Loompas that made us smile every time they came on to signify the fate of another Ticket Winner… not to mention Mr A as ‘Slugworth’ (a career in Am Dram in Wolverhampton may be on the cards…)
Many thanks go to all the children for their hard work, Mrs Osborne for orchestrating and leading the whole thing and to our other dedicated and committed staff who helped to pull this together, from sets, to costumes to make up. A true team effort and a talented bunch!
Watch out over the holidays for more photos and the video of the performance being put on the website.
Speaking of videos. Watch the Head Boy and Girl’s Blog below.