☰ Sports Update from Mr Charman

Sports Update from Mr Charman

Posted on: June 27th 2019

Sports Update from Mr Charman

They say that rain dances don’t work, but clearly, sun dances do! The weather in the build-up to this year’s Sports Day was wet and windy, and the day after was similarly foul, but on Monday it was glorious. School Sports Days typically have the same heady mix of drama, close finishes, tears, triumphs and of course sunburnt teachers and this year was no different. Some of our sprint finishes were so close we had to employ slow-motion videos to separate them. Luckily for us, there were no VAR disputes and Mr Jowett and Mrs Charman were on the ball. 

The cricket event was a great success again, and there was clear development from last year with the boys and girls bowling accurately and batting ferociously. Messrs Smith, Ashton and Flores stoked up the crowd and got the parents involved and not only fielding, but also batting and bowling. This was a real highlight and created a really nice community feel to the day. 

Sports Days are ultimately not just about participating, but also winning and losing. The surprise this year was the number of pupils that won ribbons. Often at these events, the races and field events are won by a small group of athletes, but what was really pleasing this year was the diverse group of pupils that came away with ribbons. This year we had record numbers of Form 5 and 6 pupils entering the 400m race. This is an optional distance for them, so it was really pleasing to see that we needed three races to allow everyone to compete.

There were many winners this year, with the coffee and ice cream suppliers probably having the most success (huge thanks to the Friends of Norfolk House for organising) and it was great to see a new name on the plaque with Nelson winning for only the third time in 15 years! Congratulations go to all the pupils that tried so hard on the day, the parents who supported them so fantastically and the teachers who ran the event so smoothly. 

Cricket update

Whilst the weather over the last few weeks has been unseasonably moist, we have managed to get some cricket matches in. Our Form 3 and 4 boys had a very successful couple of games away at Aldenham and a tournament at Habs, whilst the girls played a couple of games against Belmont. Unfortunately, our big year group event at Lyndhurst was flooded out, but what was really pleasing in the fixtures was the development of the boys and girls. With some of them brand new to cricket, they all worked hard to bowl overarm and we won more games than we lost. 

Form 5 and 6 have been a bit more lucky with the weather and only had the girls match at Belmont cancelled. The girls played magnificently at the Haringey tournament and were one of very few teams that bowled overarm (of the 16 teams, only four schools attempted overarm bowling). The girls played really well, particularly with the bat, and finished third overall for the second year in a row. The boys' tournament was hampered with some rain, but that didn’t diminish their spirit and they bowled really well over the day. 

Mr Charman

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