☰ Starting school in Reception

Starting school in Reception

Posted on: September 27th 2021

Starting school in Reception

Starting school is a big step for children; we are delighted that all of the Reception children have made this transition look effortless. Many thanks to all parents for preparing their child for this milestone.

When the children arrived on their first day, in their smart uniforms, they looked very grown-up and responsible. Most were full of positive emotions – excitement, confidence and happiness. Throughout the days and weeks, we have seen these emotions expressed by all as they embark on their learning journey at Norfolk House. I am sure many of the children have come home recounting their day including role-playing in the Post Office, performing on the stage in the garden or signing their name on the ‘class register’. Your child may have even have demonstrated some of their new gymnastic skills!

We are delighted that their journey to make Reception memorable has well and truly begun.

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