Posted on: September 30th 2012
Dear Parents,On Wednesday 12th December, we held the 2012 School Council elections. All children from Forms 3-6 were able to put themselves forward as candidates. There were some excellent speeches this year, with many children presenting their fantastic ideas for the year ahead and explaining why they thought they would make a good Student Councillor. Each class voted in a secret ballot for the child they thought would best represent their year group. It was a tough competition!
The 2012 - 2013 Norfolk House School Council will be:
Our first meetings have focussed on identifying which initiatives we would like to work on this year and selecting our school charity. We are delighted to announce that this year, our fundraising efforts will go towards Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Finally, with a new Council, comes new coordination! With Mrs. Walzer on maternity leave, I am pleased to tell you that Mrs. Rajiah has stepped into the role and will continue to work alongside Ms. Burke to support the Student Council with all their great work this year!