☰ Student Council

Student Council

Posted on: October 2nd 2015

We are going to tell you about the Student Council for this year. To get in, children from each year group from Senior Prep were allowed to run for election by writing their own manifesto with all their persuasive ideas of how to make the school a better place. Each child from every year was allowed to vote for a person of their choice who had run who was in their year group. It was a very hard decision, there were people who had the same amount of votes, but in the end, when everyone had voted, the new Student Council was announced. We are very happy to have: Elliot, Marissa, Olivia, Ewan, Anna, Alice, Leela, Jessica and Georgina. So far, we have had two Student Council meetings and we discussed everyone’s ideas and we each highlighted one idea we especially liked and one we thought couldn’t go ahead. We are all very excited for the many Student Council meetings to come and to start organising the events.
By Marissa and Georgina

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