☰ Pupils explore new computing projects

Pupils explore new computing projects

Posted on: September 28th 2018

Pupils explore new computing projects

Pupils at Norfolk House can look forward to developing a variety of computing skills over the course of this year. The senior school are exploring the different Google applications such as Google Forms, Google Slides and Google Hangouts, and looking at why these applications could be useful in an everyday context. We have launched Google Classroom in computing lessons across Senior Prep, and in Geography in Form 4, allowing pupils to hand in work and for it to be marked electronically. Form 4 have also started using their Norfolk House email to communicate with their peers and teachers.

Last year we did our first across year collaboration project which saw Form 5 pupils create Scratch games for a partner in Form 2. Both year groups thoroughly enjoyed this project. One pupil who created a game noted, “it inspired the Form 5 students to work with Scratch and it allowed us to analyse and embed our knowledge and skills. My partner also gave me feedback to improve my game which I did”. We aim to repeat this project this year.

In Computing Club this term, pupils have been creating their own games in Scratch and building Lego Wedo projects. The children have been developing their skills using Lego Wedo through fun competitions - so far we have found out who can build and code the fastest car, and this week we plan to do a tug of war competition!

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