☰ Talent has Arrived at Norfolk House!

Talent has Arrived at Norfolk House!

Posted on: February 9th 2012

On Monday 6th February, Norfolk House students and performers’ parents, gathered to watch the Norfolk House Talent Show. A wide range of talents were represented including hula hooping, gymnastics, poetry recitation, singing, dancing, beat boxing, piano and violin. This event was one of the many Student Council events of this academic year.

The judges had a very hard decision to make over who would be the three lucky winners to showcase their talents at the Easter concert. The winners were Ishmael Levy, who entertained us with a fantastic poetry recital; Poppy Black, who impressed us all with her outstanding gymnastic skills and Katie Jordan with her flawless piano playing.

We thank all the performers for their brilliant contributions and for being so brave. A huge thank you also goes to Mrs. Walzer and Ms. Burke for guiding all the Student Council members in making this event a success and to Ms. Habgood for being a guest judge throughout the auditions round and at the final performance.

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