☰ Form 1 Highlight: World Kindness Day

Form 1 Highlight: World Kindness Day

Posted on: December 6th 2019

Form 1 Highlight: World Kindness Day

One of the highlights of this term for Form 1 was when the children celebrated and promoted World Kindness Day in November.

In their PSHE lessons, the children have been learning different ways to display the Norfolk House core value 'caring' outside of our school community. The children talked about less fortunate children and orphans in the UK and around the world. The children were really surprised when the teachers told them that so many children around the world are being deprived of an education and 4 million refugee children do not attend school.

This was an eye-opener for everyone and we all realised that we are very lucky to be part of such a fantastic school, have our families around us, have toys and nice clothes. Following the children's learning, Form 1 decided to take action. The children went home and looked through their cupboards to find things that they could donate to support the less fortunate. The children went on a 'Charity Walk' around Muswell Hill where they donated the items they had.

Form 1 visited Cancer Research, North London Hospice, The Children's Air Ambulance and many other charity shops and donated books, toys and clothes. The children understand that these shops will sell the items to support different charities. The children all learnt a lot during the walk and came away with a better understanding of how fortunate they are. 

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