☰ The Wellbeing of our Norfolk House Children

The Wellbeing of our Norfolk House Children

Posted on: September 25th 2020

The Wellbeing of our Norfolk House Children

It has been wonderful to see the children back in school. Overall it has been a very positive start to the academic year and the children are pleased to be back. We have had a number of new starters at the school who have settled in well and have been warmly welcomed by their peers. 

As a staff we were conscious that pupils might find returning to school after the lock down a challenge in one way or another and that they would need a greater level of support to readjust to the routines and expectations, under what are still challenging circumstances.

To support the children with their transition back to school, we have focused our PSHE curriculum on wellbeing, in particular developing a good mental health and the core values, considering how they can have a positive impact on our way of thinking. The children have been very open about some of the difficulties they have faced and helped one another to identify ways to overcome these challenges. They have also expressed how the core values can help them overcome problems by being resilient and caring towards others who might be finding the transition more challenging. 

Where most children are pleased to be back, we are aware that some children are finding the transition more difficult and may be feeling anxious for any number of reasons. We are introducing our mindfulness back into the classrooms to help the children develop strategies that might help them overcome some of these anxieties . All the classrooms from Form 1-6 have worry boxes, in which pupils can write down any worries they may have and get the support they need should they have any concerns. In some of our younger years, the children use the zones of regulation to help them express their feelings and get the support they need from staff. 

Our teachers have been an incredible support to the children and are always there to help them when they need it. If you feel your child is struggling to readjust and requires further support, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher or Mrs Gormley, Head of Pastoral. There are also many online support networks available to help parents and pupils if you need tips. One such website is https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/childrens-mental-health/ 


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