Posted on: January 30th 2014
On the evening of Thursday 23 January, the Form 5 parents attended a maths evening at Norfolk House, which provided them with an insight into the mathematical methods and strategies used by the children as they journey from Form 5 into Form 6 and commence the Senior School process.
The evening launched with a confident presentation from the Form 5 children about maths, their opinions on the subject and their desire to do well in the subject. The pupils demonstrated a variety of mathematical methods and strategies to their parents.
Parents were interested to find out from the children how the methods and requirements were different in maths today than from when they were at school, and the the topics which pupils demonstrated were:
Halfway through the evening, the parents took part in some mental maths games and informal mathematical chat, which was very enlightening.
It was an enjoyable evening, with smiles all round, and parents left the evening reassured that the 11+ process involving maths would be fine.