☰ We Welcome Emily Patten

We Welcome Emily Patten

Posted on: January 15th 2016

I’m Emily Patten and I am the new Reception Teacher at Norfolk House pre-prep. I began my teaching career in Birmingham teaching Reception and I have just left a role in Fulham where, as well as teaching Reception, I also lead Science across the school.

I have had a fantastic start to Norfolk House and have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know my new class. Parents, teachers and children have also been so welcoming. In Reception, we have been studying space, which the children have been so enthusiastic about; they have particularly enjoyed the book we have been studying in English, ‘Toys in Space’. I loved ice-skating with the children on Friday and think it’s such a super opportunity for the children. I'm very excited to be a part of Norfolk House and I’m sure I will enjoy my time here!

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