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Posted on: February 11th 2016

What a few weeks it has been in the world of PE at Norfolk House! We have been inundated with sporting events recently; from the Netball matches against Salcombe, to the football matches against King Alfred and the Interhouse Cross Country tournament. Reflecting upon our fixtures has led me to reflecting on the PE lessons that prepare our children for competitive sports. As fast-paced as our Wednesday and Friday afternoons can be, it’s always great to see the staff at Norfolk House always give 100% of their time and energy to planning, delivering and reflecting on the children’s PE lessons. Our children really do get to experience a broad and balanced PE curriculum that prepares them for competitive fixtures and develops healthy habits beyond Norfolk House. Read below for the children’s views on how their PE lessons prepare them for fixtures.

Miss Haylee Howson

Netball vs Salcombe
On Wednesday 3rd February, Forms 5 and 6 played two away matches against Salcome Prep. We were split into two equal teams. In the first match, NH passes were fantastic as they caught most of the shots cleanly. Aroub, playing as Goal Shooter, scored the first goal. The game was entertaining because NH continued to score more and more goals. Our defence was on point when catching the rebounded goals. In training sessions, we have been looking and moving the ball in the centre third quicker; which is just what we did. Just when it seemed that we were invincible, Salcome Prep managed to unexpectedly sneak a goal in. This gave NH the motivation to work harder to beat them. The score for the first match was 18-1 to NH and the final score for matches combined was 26-11. 

Aroub, Form 5O

Football vs King Alfred

Despite the best efforts from our B and C teams, they were unable to beat King Alfred's but I know they all played to the best of their abilities. For the A team however, it was a different story. King Alfred’s kicked off and straight away we knew what we were up against. They scored about thirty seconds into the game!
We restarted and for five minutes the game was all in favour of them. But then the tables turned. Zac attempted to start up our first full attack of the game, holding up against the firm faces of our opponents. He then tried to cross it but it was deflected from their captain into the back of the net. We had scored!
With it as one-all we restarted. We also immediately regained possession through a strong tackle. Hope was flowing through us, powering our every move. The ball was passed to Oliver Chan who was being challenged roughly. He suddenly turned and shot, the ball flying high into the air and coming down over the goalkeeper and into the left hand corner of the net. 
Five minutes later we were on it again. Felix was close to the area and shot, the ball roaring into the back of the net.
Still half time wasn’t upon us and we were playing well.
Felix was on the ball, a meter into our half. He gave it a powerful left footed whack and beating the goalkeeper by far. It was halftime and with the scores being four-one we were very confident. 
The second half started with us in possession. Trying to build up an attack we lost the ball and they immediately countered, sprinting down the line and scoring. Then came another. With the scores at three-four we were desperate to win. In the last minute they received their equalizer. The game finished four-four.
A special shout out to our goalkeeper, Ben Jeckel who made some amazing saves. Also to our defenders Elliot (who made some amazing blocks) and Pip (who charged at the opponent without mercy).

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it. 

Jack Osler, Form 6A

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