☰ Writers’ Corner: Form 4 Learn About ‘Explanation Texts’

Writers’ Corner: Form 4 Learn About ‘Explanation Texts’

Posted on: February 14th 2014

Form 4 has been learning about 'Explanation Texts' and have studied written texts and explored the language used for them.

Pupils watched a film clip about 'The Shirt Machine' and then carried out written work about the clip and attempted to write their own voice overs.

See examples of their voice overs, below:At home, they each wrote an explanation about machines, such as toasters and electric toothbrushes, explaining how they work.

We have enjoyed this topic and have managed to learn the difference between an explanation text and instruction writing, which was quite tricky initially.

Form 4 also went on a trip to the science museum to enhance their understanding and learning of our topic on Materials. They then wrote an explanation text about their class trip.

Mrs. Bolton

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