☰ A fond farewell from your FONH Co-Chairs!

A fond farewell from your FONH Co-Chairs!

Posted on: July 3rd 2015 | Category:

Where have the past two years gone? They do say that time flies when you're having fun, so we must have had a fantastic 2-year tenure as FONH CO-CHAIRS. We have organised and worked on over 20 events from the children's Halloween party to the parent-teacher Christmas party, from the competitive pub quiz to the Summer Fayre, all with great turnout and fantastic feedback from families and staff alike.

Over the last 2 years, FONH have raised and donated over £1,800 to the following charities; GOSH, Ambitious About Autism, Educaid and Bullies Out.

It's now time for us to step aside and introduce the new Co-Chairs:

- Emma Habeck

- Nichola McKerrow-Todd

- Natalie Saffer

- Jennifer Shill (staying on!)

- Mamta Ghandi (Treasurer)

We are sure they will be in touch soon and will of course be organising some great events over the next two years.

Have a lovely summer everyone!


Jenny Cahn, Gillian Forrest, Gemma Frenchman & Jennifer Shill


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