☰ A Year of Sport - Jessica Yam

A Year of Sport - Jessica Yam

Posted on: May 5th 2016 | Category:

On Wednesday and Friday for the last year I have been participating in various sporting activities. I would like to share some personal experiences from my PE lessons over the course of the year.

At the beginning of the year, we learned about the different techniques involved in Yoga. One position that springs to mind is the ‘back stand’ which I managed to accomplish by the time the Autumn term Creative Curriculum event came around.

Also in the Autumn term, the Form 2-6 girls took part in Netball lessons with Mrs Cannon, Miss Howson and Miss Harman. It was really exciting on the first game of the netball season against Normanhurst . It was an amazing outcome: 21-1 win. Later on in the year the netball team went to play at ISA. We won several matches and game third overall in our division.

On Wednesdays next term we went Swimming at Finchley Lido. We were split into 3 groups where we perfected our technique and began to swim at longer distances. One experience that particularly stood out to me was when I was asked to demonstrate the correct technique of butterfly, and as you can imagine-I was a little nervous!

This term we are taking part in  tennis and athletics  lessons on a Wednesday and  Cricket lessons on a friday.

Here at Norfolk House we are so privileged to be able to take part in such a range of sports and use such great facilities as well as amazing instructors. These individuals make sport exciting for the children at Norfolk House.



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