Posted on: January 29th 2016 | Category:
Gone are the days of creating a document, sending it via email; whilst keeping your fingers crossed that the dial-up internet wouldn’t crash, and once ‘Your email has been sent’ pops up, you anticipate receiving a reply with an emailed attachment.All of which took a matter of hours, sometimes days. And to think that just over 40 years ago, we were beginning to store data on a Floppy disk. If you fancy a trip down digital-storage memory lane, then click on the link under my name
It's amazing how evolutionised technology has become.
As I type this article on a Google Document, Our Head boy Elliot is busily reading my words and reflecting on how Cloud-based technology has changed his life. Nowadays, we can collaborate on a task in real time without needing to be sitting right next to each other; I mean, how incredible is that?
Miss Haylee Howson
Using cloud based technology helps learning within all subjects as google drive has no limits to what your presentation is about, giving its users a wide range to experiment with and use in personalised projects for your school lessons. Without this, expressing what you’ve learnt would be much harder. It’s so much easier than using the school server and having to save in your folder and not to forget the stress of the server not responding and all your work being lost if you do not save correctly. But when it comes to google drive, its auto-save function is really useful when hurried out of a short lesson.
Cloud Based software, like Google Applications, are also extremely useful for learning. Google software helps you when you are working in large groups. You can all access the same document at the same time, without the argument of who will type or when it’s time to swap places at the computer. Google allows everyone to get involved and have their say in a Google doc, instead of someone having all the fun of doing it by themselves. With this power to send it to friends you have the assistance and help of the people around you. This advantage means projects get finished quicker.It’s safe to say, Cloud based technology has definitely changed my life.
Elliot Forrest- Head Boy
Form 3
Here is an example of how Form 3 have utilised cloud-based software .
They first used the app ‘Thinking Blocks’ or ‘Maths word problems’ to demonstrate their understanding of division. Then, they imported a screen shot of ‘Thinking blocks onto the app ‘Explain Everything’ to explain their methods of calculation; saving it in a video format. After, they uploaded their learning to the digital portfolio app ‘Seesaw’ which allows the children to create their own cloud based portfolio. Here is an example of what Alanna has created: