☰ Communication Update

Communication Update

Posted on: October 14th 2016 | Category:

Communication update

This year one of our foci is communication. We have had several different reports over the past few months regarding communication. Some parents felt that their inboxes were filled with communication regarding different events going on in school, particularly during the busy periods at the start of term and the end of term; other parents felt that they did not know enough about the day to day things that were going on.

As communicator is one of the core values we are trying to instill in all our pupils, we felt it important to explain what we are doing to accommodate and address any concerns raised to improve communication.  

Weekly Bulletin

You will receive the weekly bulletin every Friday, where we will outline the activities taking place over the following two week period. All other letters relating to whole school or class trips or activities will be in the form of a link on the weekly bulletin - so look out for any information relating to your child in the ‘Letters Home’ section of the Weekly Bulletin. Hopefully this way, we will be reducing the number of emails in your inbox and it will be easy for you to find what you are looking for. Where necessary, for individual pupil letters ie. sports team letters, these will come out separately to individual parents.


The newsletter will now focus on news stories and not on dates or messages from the office - this makes it more of a celebration of the pupils and their achievements. The newsletter will still be sent out on a Friday, fortnightly.


The pupils from Reception to Form 6 have now received the new homework planners and hopefully you are finding these useful for communicating with teachers when necessary, however, teachers are also available on email if you need to contact them.


Improving communication is still a work in progress and hopefully with your feedback we can ensure that we are communicating with all parents in the most suitable, informative and effective way.

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